
domingo, 20 de abril de 2014


Cholula is a city and district located in the center west of the state of Puebla, next to the city of Puebla de Zaragoza, in central Mexico. Cholula is best known for its Great Pyramid, with the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios sanctuary on top and its numerous churches. The city and district are divided into two, San Pedro Cholula and San Andrés Cholula, which together are officially called the Distrito Cholula de Rivadavia. Surrounding the city proper is a number of more rural communities which belong to the municipalities of San Andrés and San Pedro. The city itself is divided into eighteen neighborhoods or barrios, each with a patron saint. This division has pre-Hispanic origins as does the division into two municipalities. The city is unified by a complicated system of shared religious responsibilities, called cargas, which function mostly to support a very busy calendar of saints' days and other festivals which occur in one part or another almost all year round. The most important of these festivals is that dedicated to the Virgen de los Remedios, the patron of the city in its entirety, which occurs at the beginning of September.
Cholula's panoramic view

Tourist Attractions.

It contains the oldest pyramids which dates back to about 3500 years , from the Preclassic period earlier.

  Its great pyramid, is what distinguishes this city, measuring 404 meters on each side, with more than 8 open kilometers inside, this work was carried out by archaeologists to have a view of the inside where you can see prehispanic paintings, which have been classified as the largest in America.

Cholula's Great Pyramid.

 At the top of the pyramid is the Sanctuary of the Virgen de los Remedios, this temple was established after the conquest in the period of evangelization superimposing on indigenous beliefs, now live in an area that accounts of the past and history.
Sanctuary of the Virgen de los Remedios

The Monumental Plaza de la Concordia is the nerve center of San Pedro Cholula. Flanked by the Ex-Convent of San Gabriel and the Portal Guerrero- the longest in Mexico with 46 arches that together total 170 meters in length, the square was constructed in 1573 for the days of swap meets and in 1646 it was remodeled , being as it is today.

In the square there is a fountain of San Miguel Archangel, donated in 1554 by Philip II of Spain.

in front, we observe the Ex Convent of San Gabriel, and the left side, we can see the Portal Guerrero.

A beautiful Night Vision of the central square.   


 Franciscan library.

 The Franciscan Library is the result of a joint effort of the University of the Americas Puebla and the Franciscan Province of the Holy Gospel of Mexico to preserve, research and disseminate the bibliographic Order. Located in what was the old Pilgrims' Portal of the Convent of San Gabriel in San Pedro Cholula, is one of the most important bibliographical and documentary in the Midwest.

General Vision of Franciscan Library.



An exposition inside the Library.





Quetzalcoatl Ritual's.- A show that integrates ethnographic reconstruction dance, poetry, music and lighting design using pre-Hispanic instruments. Its purpose is show how that is celebrated in Cholula Quetzalcoatl. It is done on 21 and 22 March in the courtyard of the altars in the archaeological zone of Cholula.

Qutzalcoatl Ritual.

Festival of the Virgen de los Remedios's.- The most important of all the festivals celebrated in Cholula, this festival has religious, civil, and commercial aspect. It takes 1st to 8th of September ; these days, there is a group activity of concheros who perform their ritual dances, and pilgrims who offer presents to the Virgen de los Remedios. In the afternoon of the 8th, the traditional burning of "Los Panzones" dolls with fruit, and throughout the day on the Place de la Concorde celebrates the traditional barter is done.
Festival of the Virgen de los Remedios's

 The Tlahuanca -. Was performed on the fourth Monday of Lent in the Chapel of Naturales, its name derives from a party that was made in the pre-Hispanic era characterized by drunk (tlahuanqui-drunk). Today there is a procession but only within the Chapel of Naturales. Wooden crosses painted black and the butler offers food and pulque all attendees spread.
The "Tlahuanca"

Activities to do in Cholula.

Some activities to do in Cholula can be, visit the great pyramid, some pubs like the Jazzatlan Jazz Club, or maybe the botanic garden Tzapoteca Dra. Helia Bravo Hollis

Jazzatlan, jazz club.

It is a small jazz club where you can hear the best musicians in Mexico at a great price and accompanied by the best pizzas, good wine selection and excellent selection of mezcal


Entrance to Jazzatlan.

Jazzatlan interior.

Helia Bravo The botanical garden is a wonderful place that is framed by the beauty of the whole reserve in general, across the road you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of mountains and cactus that grow there. Already in the garden (for $ 25) you can have a guided tour to see garambullos, jasmine, elephant legs and other wild cactus in a state of remarkable preservation, it is worth going if you visit Tehuacan or even if you just spend nearby.

On the way they sell onyx and marble 
things very nice and reasonably priced.

Cholula's gastronomy.

In Cholula you will find the most traditional dishes elaborated with ancient recipes, together with other modern preparations to create truly exquisite flavors.
The gastronomy of the city is based on corn, beans, and chilies; these three elements are combined to produce a large amount of dishes,  such as "tamales de frijol" (bean tamales), which are popular throughout the city.
Tamales de frijol. (bean tamales)

 Other typical dishes are "orejas de elefante" (a huge tortilla filled with beans and sauces and topped with cheese and onion).
"Oreja de elefante"
 "sopa cholulteca" (a soup with zucchini, corn on the cob, and mushrooms) and "cecina con rajas rojas y queso de canasta" (salted beef with sliced red peppers and a cheese that is also known in other regions as "queso sopero"). An equally renowned dish is "enchipotladas", which are stuffed tortillas covered in a delicious chipotle sauce.
Salted beef or (cecina).



After enjoying these delicious specialties you can cool off with "ponche", one of the most popular beverages of this city, especially consumed hot during the Christmas holidays; it is made of milk and blue corn. The traditional cocktail of the city is known as "Cholula en llamas", prepared with Copa de Oro sider accompanied with a slice of lemon and a slice of orange.

The city has several restaurants to savor the delicacies of Cholula, including La Casona de Cholula, a restaurant with an elegant atmosphere where you can enjoy the cuisine of Puebla. There is also La Lunita restaurant and bar, where you can try  several  typical dishes.

"La lunita" Restauran & Bar.

"La casona de Cholula"


 One of the best Hotels in cholula no doubt is "La Huerta Golf & Hotel". Located in the ancient city of Cholula, offer a nice break in the warm rooms and excellent facilities.

They have golf course, events gardens, pool with jacuzzi with snacks service, spa, tennis court, gym, media rooms for meetings.

"La Huerta Golf & Hotel"

How to get "La Huerta Golf & Hotel"?


 How To Get To Cholula? 

From Mexico-DF Mexico-Puebla Highway, taking the diversion to Cholula (Peripheral), passing the airport Huejotzingo.

From Tehuacan or Orizaba -. Autopista Mexico Puebla-Cholula taking the turn off (Peripheral) passing the Volkswagen automobile plant.

From Atlixco -. Puebla Atlixco-passing the toll booth in Puebla, take the road towards Cholula (Peripheral).

From Puebla -. Boulevard Straight Cholula and Founders
Serdan International Airport brothers -. Federal Mexico-Puebla Highway.

How to get to Cholula coming from Puebla City.

1 comentario:

  1. hello guys
    I believe that your page is ok. But I could see some wrongs with the passive voice; when you are talking about: "Some activities to do in Cholula can be..."; so I think that is better " could be ". What do you think ?
    I need read slowly to check it but this is my first correction.
    THANKS =)
